Merton Events
upcoming Events
An Observance of Thomas Merton's 110th Birthday
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Dear Chapter Members and Friends of Thomas Merton,
On Saturday, January 25, our Chapter will be celebrating Thomas Merton's 110th birthday — and the 25th anniversary of the Corpus Christi Chapter. Join us as we collectively engage with Merton's work, words, and witness, observing how he critiqued the many systems of injustice of his day, and gives inspiration to us as we attempt to read the signs of the times. Father Michael Holleran will be leading us in contemplative prayer, and Jim Robinson will lead us in our explorations of Merton's insights.
All are welcome to this Birthday event — it is free to members; others by donation. If you wish to make a contribution to support our work, you may do so on the day, or online. If you wish to become a member of the Chapter, that amount is $25 for the year. See below for online support and to pre-register. To the many who have continued to make contributions — thank you for your generosity.
Come celebrate! Yes! There will be cake! I look forward to seeing you all on January 25.
PLEASE PRE-REGISTER: or (212) 666–9350
James Robinson, PhD
Father Michael Holleran
A Journey Faith: Walking with Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, & other Companions along the way
Annual Thomas Merton Retreat
Saturday, November 16, 20024 1:00–4:00 P.M.
Pope Francis has distinguished between what he calls a “laboratory faith” and a “journey faith.” The first can appear like a “compendium of abstract truths,” while in a journey faith we find God along the way, which “means going, walking, doing, searching, seeing. . . . We must enter into the adventure of the quest for meeting God; we must let God search and encounter us. . . . God is encountered walking along the path.”
SATURDAY, September 30, 2023, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Practicing Sacred Reciprocity:
Insights from Thomas Merton and Robin Wall Kimmerer
presented by James Robinson, PhD
All are welcome - Admission Free
Saturday, January 25th 2:00-4:00 P.M.
In Celebration Of The Birthdays Of Thomas Merton & Henri Nouwen
The Trappist Twist:
Merton & Nouwen In Conversation
with Michael Higgins, Distinguished Professor of Catholic Thought at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut
This event is sponsored by the parish & free to all
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2019, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Annual Retreat
The Prophetic Merton: The Word that Opens Hearts to Hope
presented by Daniel Riley, O.F.M.
$20 Corpus Christi Chapter members & Students; Others $35
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2019, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
The Great Work and the Ecological Spirituality of Laudato Si’
A Conversation with Thomas Merton, Thomas Berry, and Pope Francis
presented by Kathleen Deignan, C.N.D., and Kevin Cawley, C.F.C.
Free to Corpus Christi Chapter members, Parish members & Students; Others $20