An Observance of Thomas Merton's 110th Birthday
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Dear Chapter Members and Friends of Thomas Merton,
On Saturday, January 25, our Chapter will be celebrating Thomas Merton's 110th birthday — and the 25th anniversary of the Corpus Christi Chapter. Our life began in October 2000 and, allowing for the hiatus of the pandemic years, has flourished to this day. Join us as we collectively engage with Merton's work, words, and witness, observing how he critiqued the many systems of injustice of his day, and giving inspiration to us as we attempt to read the signs of the times. Sitting at Wisdom's Table we will hear how Merton articulated a profoundly contemplative vision of the sacred interdependence of the world and its creatures. From 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., we will explore Merton's contemplative and prophetic witness. If you'd like, do bring along a favorite paragraph, poem or other short passage from Merton's work to share. Father Michael Holleran will be leading us in contemplative prayer, and Jim Robinson will lead us in our explorations of Merton's insights.
All are welcome to this Birthday event — it is free to members; others by donation. If you wish to make a contribution to support our work, you may do so on the day, or online. If you wish to become a member of the Chapter, that amount is $25 for the year. See below for online support and to pre-register. To the many who have continued to make contributions — thank you for your generosity.
Come celebrate! Yes! There will be cake! I look forward to seeing you all on January 25.
PLEASE PRE-REGISTER: or (212) 666–9350
Portrait of Thomas Merton
James Robinson, PhD
Father Michael Holleran