Join or Renew your Membership
We invite you to become part of our community as we journey together. All members are eligible to join our Chapter Reading Group and listen to prior Thomas Merton NYC talks via a password-protected audio file.
We depend upon annual membership, event fees and financial gifts to pay for day-to-day operating costs such as printing, postage and website maintenance; program costs, including honorariums, hospitality and travel expenses of guest speakers and retreat leaders; and other administrative expenses. All contributions are tax-deductible and payable to Corpus Christi Church / ITMS Chapter.
Membership Period: Membership is renewable once each year on an annual seasonal basis. Membership dues currently cover the period September, 2019 to May, 2020 and vary dependent upon the type of annual membership level desired as described below.
Annual Membership Levels & Benefits
Free Student Membership (Annual)
Free admission for three Chapter programs, $20.00 Retreat Fee (I.D. required at door)
Basic Membership (Annual) $30 - $249
Admission to three Chapter program events, reduced Retreat Fee
Contributor (Annual) $250 - $499
Admission to three Chapter program events, reduced Retreat Fee
Friend (Annual) $500 - $749
Admission to three Chapter program events, reduced Retreat Fee
Sponsor (Annual) $750 - $999
Admission to three Chapter program events, reduced Retreat Fee. Name recognition on our website
Patron (Annual) $1,000 and up
Admission to three Chapter program events, reduced Retreat Fee. Name recognition on our website, and invitation to a special Patron dinner
Pay Online
Become a member online by paying your membership dues through our secure online payment processor
Pay by Check
Download our Membership Form and mail it in with your check (mailing instructions included on form)